
Showing posts from January, 2024

Tips to Ace Surgery in MBBS

When you are in medical college, your days are challenging, to say the least. Medical students have a lot on their plate. From morning classes to making notes, group studies, memorizing hundreds of medical terms, preparing for exams, and trying to stick to a study schedule, medical students are constantly doing something. Now, add surgery to this list, and you have a whole new domain where students tend to struggle. For third-year medical students, surgery means constantly learning new and watching one surgery after another, and trying to understand every little detail of the processes being followed. During this period, students often find themselves overwhelmed with a packed routine with barely any time to study. So, how do students prepare for surgery exams amidst these challenging ward rotations? And more importantly, how do students get better at surgery? Read on to learn about some critical MBBS surgery tips that undergrads can use to excel in the field. Brace yourself for a r

Online Certification Course for Botox

Botox has become a prevalent aspect of education for dermatology students, a field of medicine that is widely popular today. But what exactly is Botox? What does it do? Botox, short for botulinum toxin, works by temporarily paralyzing muscles when administered in controlled doses. Botox, however, when used in small doses offers a host of benefits to patients suffering from several medical conditions. Besides playing a massive role in people's youthful appearance, botox is used to address issues such as eyelid spasms, Raynaud's disease, and certain kinds of migraine. In the field of urology, botox is used to stop the contraction of the urinary bladder wall and treat urinary incontinence. Botox can also help patients suffering from severe underarm sweating, cervical dystonia, and upper-limb spasticity. So, how does Botox work? Well, it works by targeting the nervous system. Any muscle's contraction is enabled by releasing a chemical messenger called acetylcholine. Botox act

Learn Microbiology Concepts Online

What is microbiology? Well, it is the study of microorganisms, including bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. Nostalgic much? In this article, we will go in-depth about all these terms you studied in school and more. So, as aforementioned, microbiology is all about these microbes that are entirely invisible to the naked eye but play a significant role in how we experience life. How exactly do these microorganisms affect our lives? In many ways, actually. For example, microorganisms shield the planet by playing a crucial role in recycling essential minerals such as carbon and nitrogen. In agriculture, microbes, by optimizing nitrate levels in the soil, enable farmers to improve agricultural productivity. Microbes are also used to create chemical products such as antibiotics, preservatives, food additives, biofuels, metabolites, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and vitamin supplements. Fun fact: According to experts, there are 5 million trillion microorganisms on the earth.

Topics to Focus for MRCOG Part 1

Before we get into the essential topics for the MRCOG Part 1 exam, let’s shed some light on the MRCOG itself. MRCOG refers to the Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This prestigious membership is awarded to medical students who clear the three-part MRCOG exam. Part 1 exam’s format and structure are designed to evaluate students’ knowledge of the fundamentals and clinical sciences relevant to the subject. Part 2 of the exam is all about the application of knowledge, while Part 3, the OSCE exam, aims to assess the practical abilities of applicants. The MRCOG curriculum aims to develop doctors, including preparing them for the application of medical knowledge and inculcating clinical skills and leadership values. Part 1 of the MRCOG assesses the Scientific Platform for Clinical Practice, covering domains such as the understanding of cell function, understanding human structure (involves anatomy, embryology, and genetics), understanding measurement and manipul

How to Prepare OCSEs for MD Medicine Exam?

Uniform, standardized, critical, and reliable. These are some words that come to mind when one has to describe the OSCE. The best thing about this Medicine (MD) examination format is that it simulates a range of real clinical scenarios to test aspiring medical professionals' clinical skills and professional competencies. Sounds fair, right? After all, theory is critical, but practical knowledge is the one thing that makes a huge difference when a new medical practitioner has to take action. In simple words, OSCE tests whether students can deal with real-life clinical situations. These tests focus on practical skills, clinical knowledge, leadership, situational awareness, resource management, and teamwork. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is divided into several real-life scenarios, called stations. Typically, there are 10 to 20 stations where an extensive range of clinical scenarios are simulated. These stations simulate real-life clinical situations where a patient

Online Resources to Excel in MS Surgery

So, you have decided to take the plunge. You are going to pursue surgery, a highly specialized and demanding field that calls for a constant accumulation of knowledge and skill enhancement. And now your next Google search is: How to excel in MS surgery? How to navigate through extensive classroom lessons, practical sessions, ward postings, logbook maintenance, and emergency days while making hundreds of notes, and performing exceptionally well in the Master of Surgery exams? In this article, we will explore various online resources that will help you ace surgery. To excel in MS Surgery, you must have comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology, bedside procedures (diagnostic and therapeutic), and health economics (basic terms, health insurance). You will also be required to understand in detail topics such as wound healing, sepsis, sterilization and universal precaution, surgical knots, sutures, drains, bandages, splints, surg